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HomeInsuranceWhy SSL Is Needed for Insurance Agency Websites

Why SSL Is Needed for Insurance Agency Websites

Security, encryption, and trust are just a few of the compelling reasons why insurance agency websites should use SSL. As of October 2017, Google stated, “Passwords and credit cards are not the only types of data that should be private.” The search engine giant is making a significant push to implement SSL on all websites. Since any data entered into HTTP sites by users should not be accessible to others on the network, Chrome will display the “Not secure” warning starting in version 62. Additionally, we intend to eventually display the “Not secure” warning on all HTTP pages, even those that are not in Incognito mode.

What is SSL and what makes it so secure?

You might see a domain name resolve that begins with http when you go to a website: Sites with an http address: aren’t secured by SSL. Every SSL website starts with https:. The term “Secure Sockets Layer” (SSL) refers to the de facto standard for establishing an encrypted connection between a browser and a web server. The SSL connection guarantees the privacy of all data exchanged between a web server and a browser.

To put it another way, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypts and protects information sent over the Internet, allowing only the intended recipient to view it. Many people are unaware that data sent over the Internet travels from computer to computer before reaching the chosen destination server. This indicates that any computer in this chain that is communicating your information can intercept crucial data like usernames, passwords, credit card information, medical data, and so on. This data is encrypted by SSL, rendering it unreadable to anyone but the final destination server. This is essential for enhancing security and safeguarding confidential information from identity thieves and hackers.

SSL Authentication In addition to encryption, SSL provides authentication. Your data will typically travel through a network of computers, as previously mentioned. A quote form, which may contain private information about potential insurance customers, is a good illustration of this. Any of these intermediary computers has the potential to steal your private information by posing as the final destination website. Using a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and acquiring an SSL Certificate from an authorized SSL provider prevent this security flaw. After passing a number of identity checks to demonstrate that they can be trusted, verified organizations like your insurance company receive SSL certificates. If insurance companies want to take credit card payments, their websites must have SSL.

Browser Warnings and Visual Hints Numerous popular web browsers, including Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, and Edge, now offer indicators that can assist users in determining whether or not an insurance website is safe. Sites with SSL use the word “secure” or provide visual clues in the top left corner to indicate that the site is secure. For instance, the word “Secure” or a lock or other icon might be displayed. On the other hand, a website that does not use SSL might have a warning symbol or another way of letting users know that it is not secure and that they should not send any sensitive information through it.

All insurance companies and brokers will soon be required to switch to SSL on their websites. The annual cost of SSL certificates ranges from $50 to $70, depending on the hosting provider, and many offer discounts for multiple years. We suggest that insurance companies that have not yet implemented SSL should do so right away. SSL certificates will help safeguard the confidential data of your business, customers, prospects, and prospects. A competent insurance agency marketing agency can assist insurance agencies in updating their website or converting to SSL.